Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Publishing Pause
Hi there, I’m taking a moment to inform you that things are mostly going according to plan. I’m teaching 1-2 times a week, I’m practicing conversations with people and I’m creating weekly videos as well. There is a group of about 13 people that are practicing with me. These are people that have done the…
Deze week bij Eerste Hulp bij Gesprekken #2
Deze krijg je, omdat je hebt aangegeven lid, begeleider in opleiding of begeleider te willen worden. Wat ons bindt, is dat we dagelijks oefenen om onszelf niet groter of kleiner te maken, maar vanuit een gelijkwaardige en open houding te leven. Deze week een videoclip, een concept-website voor Eerste Hulp bij Gesprekken, meer info over…
Protected: How can I speak up with an open heart in the heat of the moment?
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Project Update: Tiny Peace Office website
After a couple of very helpful conversations with Wendela, Lukas, Minouk & Jeantilette, I’ve gotten the clarity I needed to create a website for the Tiny Peace Office. For now, the website is in Dutch, as I’m focusing on creating the first-ever Tiny Peace Office in Amsterdam. The Tiny Peace Office is a location in…
Short Story: Ups & Downs
A couple of days ago, someone asked me: I know you help people with solving conflicts and stuff, but I’m not in a conflict. I just want to practice how I can have more meaningful conversations in everyday life. Can you help me with that? The question reminded me of the movie “The Big Lebowski.”…
Cartoon: It’s not about you
Musing: What does nonviolence actually mean?
For the first thirty years of my life, I thought that nonviolence meant not hitting someone. I was pretty happy about never hitting anyone. I took pride in being a big guy and never using my physical power to hit someone. Then I started studying nonviolence. At first, I thought that words could be violent.…
Short story: I’m covering my ears like a kid
This afternoon I was working on a computer in the library. In the background there, were some kids playing with the furniture. They brought a smile to my face and they didn’t seem to disturb my focus so much. But then, a woman came sitting next to me. A woman on the phone. She had…
Update: €3.000 donation completes crowdfunding 🙂
Woohoo! Two months ago I started working along the principle of only doing things that I have enough support for. I created a crowdfunding page at www.eerstehulpbijgesprekken.nl to get financial support for my living expenses, during a 10 week course to train people to help solve conflicts. Until Monday € 157,37 had been donated. And…
Is this valuable to you?
Before my holiday break, I recorded eight videos with the help of Evert, Jeantilette and the hospitality of de Verbroerderij. These W.A.I.T. Why am I Talking? videos came out of pure inspiration, wanting to share my experience, to contribute to more nonviolence in this world, and to have a little fun 🙂 Now I’m curious…
Got any book recommendations?