Project Update: Tiny Peace Office website

After a couple of very helpful conversations with Wendela, Lukas, Minouk & Jeantilette, I’ve gotten the clarity I needed to create a website for the Tiny Peace Office. For now, the website is in Dutch, as I’m focusing on creating the first-ever Tiny Peace Office in Amsterdam.

The Tiny Peace Office is a location in the neighborhood, where people can get the support they need to restore a relationship that has been damaged by conflict. The location is being accompanied by a website, where people can get the same service online.

The vision is to co-create a network of Tiny Peace Offices, built by local peacemakers around The Netherlands…and the globe.

While I was creating the website for the Tiny Peace Office, I stumbled across This is the website I used to create the image above. I feel grateful to the people behind this service for helping me visualize the ideas that are in my head 🙂

Now my next steps are finding partners for the pilot in early 2022.

  1. One location partner
  2. Three funding partners
  3. Three restorative organizations that want to collaborate during the pilot in early 2022.

So if you have a direct contact with someone that might want to work together on the Tiny Peace Office, could you send me a message?



